name: Lined Sameness
materail: isolation sponge, glass, wood
size: 158cm. x 46cm. x 8cm.
date: 2006


name: Public Square in the Daily Life
materail: isolation sponge, glass, wood
size: 85cm. x 85cm. x 8cm.
date: 2006
materail: isolation sponge, glass, wood
size: 85cm. x 85cm. x 8cm.
date: 2006

name: Untitled
materail: isolation sponge, glass, wood
size: 46cm. x 46cm. x 5cm.
date: 2006

name: Again & Again
materail: isolation sponge, wood
size: 46cm. x 46cm. x 5cm.
date: 2006

3rd. International Hacettepe University Sculpture Symposium .
Hacettepe University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Sculpture . Ankara / Turkey .
date: 2007
material: Marble
size: 240cm. x 240cm. x 120 cm.


1st. International Hasandede Sculpture Symposium .
Hasandede Municipality .Hasandede, Kırıkkale / Turkey
date: 2007
material: Andezit
size: 180cm. x 180cm. x 80 cm.